Hi Tony.

Except that you can't use HiJack to _reliably_ switch to AUX mode and back to previous mode AFAICT. Even if you find a trick to switch to AUX mode reliably from both MP3 and Tuner modes (using some conditional IR translations or something), there is no way to reliably switch back to the correct mode afterwards.

The wish remains for the original player software to either support virtual IR codes for functions like "push current mode to stack", "switch to mode X directly", "pull mode from stack" or support switching to AUX and back depending on the phone mute line (or even the headlight sense line).
<dream>My ideal would be a player software that supported:
  1. virtual IR codes for direct access to all menu functions plus some utility functions like the ones listed above.
  2. support assigning specific behaviours to the two digital input lines (headlight sense and phone mute sense), like "hush", "switch to aux", "switch to aux and change volume to X", "pause", "mute", "headlights are on/off"

proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord