Anything above that in our minds just to listen to music(in any way) is a "rip off"..

I reckon "rip off" implies that the seller is making an unfairly large profit margin, and isn't much to do with the actual price. When Empeg sold players for $1500, that was pretty fair IMO given our production costs and amortised development costs, and so not a rip-off. If someone bought a load of them for $300 and is selling them for $800, then that does sound like a rip-off. Even though $800 is much less than $1500.

Of course, in pure free-market capitalism there are no negative connotations to the term "rip-off"; if demand is such that the market will bear $800 pricing, then that is, by definition, the fair price. Capitalism is so confusing sometimes. I guess free-marketers would claim that the Empeg market is too small to be "efficient" in determining fair Empeg pricing.
