I will side with you on this one. But it was very entertaining. The fights reminded me of Bruce Lee films with the sped-up look but the plot had holes you could drive a semi truck through. Like why didn't they use the suits that block light (the ones they wore while attacking Blade's compound)? Why did the origin of the new vamps suddenly mean "you betrayed us and sent us in to die!" (ie, they didn't mind the mission before they found out how he was created but it makes no difference)?? And why the fuck does every Hollywood film have to toss in a love/romance angle? It was so damn predictable too. Like "oh wow, she litterally let her hair down, showed a little cleavage and they stopped lighting her to make her look pastey... I guess she must have fallen in love in the last 15 minutes." That is why the movie "The Third Man" was so great (Orson Welles). At the end, you thought that they were going to toss in a "and the man and woman walk away happily ever after.." but they didn't.

All that said, I expected very little walking in to the theater except to be entertained - and I was. The fights were good. And I just loved when he went over to his car - just to say hi. Brought a tear to my eye.. (seriously)
Brad B.