No, he didn't promise anything!
Currently I am waiting to get a mailshot set up for all of our Mk.2/2A customers (all customer mailshots must go through Customer Communications to ensure we don't bother people too often) which will point to a survey to assess demand. When that is done, we should have some good stats.
If demand is below current factory expectation (1000 pieces) we will go back to the factory and ask for a requote. Armed with a firm cost, we will choose a sales strategy which may or may not involve a third party reseller. There's a possibility that a reseller may require advance orders.
With a deal signed, we can press the GO button at the factory. This is when the "approx 3 months" counter starts, and at that time you will get your promise.
There are things that could go wrong between now and then - #1 on the list would be insufficient demand.