Well I'm still alive guys...
Sorry for not keeping up with the board lately, I just am very busy on all fronts. I've had some major changes in both my personal and professional environment over the past few months, which required my full attention. All is well now though. I did read the BBS a few times and when I did, I found 1000+ unread messages, so I realized keeping up with the BBS was a battle to be lost...
Anyway, I'm still making a living as a contractor, but now under another contract(read better contract) at the same employer at the same client.
The family is OK. My oldest daughter has had some bladder and kidney problems, which requires regular checks for inflammation, but if she follows the rules set by the doctor, all should turn out well. She's 6, and I can understand it's hard to follow advice sometimes
My current tasks at work also take up much more time then a year ago; too many boring meetings and paperwork, so no time to surf web.
I haven't done much programming on the empeg either, except fore some changes in displayserver, like a simple texteditor and some other stuff, which I can't remember.
I'm out of text now...
Frank van Gestel