It was SB that was robbed

Tanstaafl stole most of my thunder here , but come on... Sonic Blue was robbed?!? SonicBlue deserves nothing and they got nothing. They chose to at the very last second liquidate the player stock just to make ther 4Q2001 numbers look better. Their sales numbers were much more important than the actual profit they made on the rest of the players. That gap in value is being passed on to the Joe Ebay's of the world who are making 125% or more profit on a one week investment. That's free money that SonicBlue DIDN'T WANT. It was there for the taking. Some are choosing to keep their Empeg as a backup, some will undoubtedly choose to sell and take their chances with their original Empeg. Some are combining those strategies and bought several additional Empegs... But PLEASE don't lose sight of who the real jerks are in this situation, it's not the EBay profiteers, it's Sonic Blue.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff