Why, it's the new HSX-109, of course. I want it to succeed, and it deserves to, as well - but if we use Doug's argument, then how can it?

By omiting the PC from the picture - 'average' upper-tier consumers are supposed to use CD drive to 'store' their music without even knowing what terms like 'ripping', 'encoding' and 'psychoacustical model' mean. The most advanced thing they are expected to do is connecting a RioReceiver or two via phone wires and perhaps adding a keyboard. Meanwhile, crazies like ourselves still get their emplode, Ethernet (if only via external adapter), console display on the unit itself, CD-RW drive for backups etc. This concept just might work.

Otherwise, I agree with every word of your post.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue