I know it pales in comparison to software magic, but here's a pic of my V2 reinstall in the WRX. This time, the Empeg sits on top. Rather than grind the bezel with a Dremel, I carefully nibbled the required plastic away using, well, a nibbler (a small plier-like cutter), and cleaned it up with a flat file.

I was able to add the sled at the vary last, thus hiding some of the cuts in the bezel. I did follow my plan to secure the sled to the Subaru brackets by epoxying some nylock nuts to the brackets with good ole' JB Weld. Brad, taking the connector off the sled until the very last really helped as well. I did use 2 out of the 4 little white bezel lock thingies to hold the bottom of the bezel firmly in place; the top is pinned in place by the sled.

I've put some additional pics at http://www.drizzle.com/~jimhogan/EmpegInstallV2 No real index, sorry, just pics.

Among other things, the pics illustrate my gawdawful harnmess that connects Kenwood + Empeg into the factory Subaru connector. It did accomplish its objective, though, of pulling the whole stereo out without cutting anything. Made for a tight fit back there....but no humming noises yet!


40944-WRX-EmpegV2-Done2.jpg (371 downloads)


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.