Originally Posted By: tahir
unless you're sitting on big piles of cash.
If those piles of cash are U.S. dollars, there may be some unhappily surprised cash holders.

By pumping trillions of made-up dollars into the stock market the Trump-controlled Fed is trying to delay the inevitable market crash, making it worse in the long run and as a byproduct massively devaluing the dollar.

The U.S. dollar is about to lose its standing as the world's default currency. Its current value is supported only by faith in its integrity, and when the rest of the world notices the emperor's lack of attire... God help us all.

I'm debt-free, 95% of my assets are tangible goods. I'm hoping to weather this storm in my safe haven but it's not looking good.

There, that's my Henny Penny the Sky Is Falling rant for today. I feel better now.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"