Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
It works very well!

I have one small quibble with the program. It is trivial, but it just about doubles the amount of time it takes me to process one file.

By default, the program writes the split files using the original filename, incrementing the track number by one for each successive file. This is all good, except that the unchangeable default starting track number is 00.

This means that I have to manually change each filename, renumbering all the tracks so they have track numbers 01-28 rather than 00--27, so that I can turn MP3 Tag Studio loose on the new files to create tags from the filenames.

It's not too terrible an imposition, my programmable keyboard simplifies the process. Once I set up the macro for the first of the split files, the subsequent ones can be changed with just three keystrokes each.

All in all, it is a really good program.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"