Seeing it live has been surreal, especially the speed of the impacts. Was up watching the financial markets tumble. Nikkei tripped the circuit breaker. The UK saw ~350 billion in value lost in a mater of hours before it reduced that loss a little later in the day. This is a bigger impact then the 2008 global recession, and amounts to ~40 years worth of UK contributions to the EU.

Scotland is already considering another attempt at independence to be able to join the EU, and Ireland may unify so that Northern Ireland can be part of the EU after the exit. The last death of an MP was in the early 90s from IRA terrorism, until the assassination of Jo Cox last week by a pro leave person. To see the level of toxicity in England rise to that level is frightening.

So much more, too, and very concerning what will happen to minority groups in England once the exit is final. Many of the protections people have there, especially in the LGBT community come from EU laws, not UK specific ones.

The parallels to what is going on in the US this election cycle honestly have me very worried now. And this also sadly helps prove time does not lead to progress in all cases. Hatred and fear of "the others" is growing in far too many places, and it's going to be those in the minority groups that suffer the most. It's tragic how effective the hatred is at getting voters to vote against their best interests.