Originally Posted By: andy
Some people who talk about being able to pick the default apps for protocols seem to assume that it is a five minute change for Apple to provide it. There would be significant engineering effort involved to put in a sensible mechanism to make it happen, it isn't like they've already implemented it and just turned the feature off !

Totally aware that it's a significant engineering effort. But it's (a) something that people have been clamoring for from the beginning, and (b) it should have been built into the OS from the start, and (c) they've had 10 major OS versions to do it by now and still haven't. So user frustration on this topic is understandable.

What users want is to be able to say, "hey Siri, navigate to the airport" and have it launch Waze instead of Apple Maps to get the job done. Or "hey Siri, play me some They Might Be Giants" and have it do so in Plex. Or to click on a date/time in an email and have it open in the Google Calendar app. We have become accustomed to doing this kind of thing in our desktop operating systems, so it's natural for us to want to do it on our phone operating systems.
Tony Fabris