Since the new URB interface has been implemented and everything has stabilised in the linux USB drivers, I've put together a driver for the empeg. There appears to be issues with the device closing before its buffer has been fully written (e.g using echo blah >/dev/empeg-car), but removing and reinstalling the driver seems to resurrect it. Otherwise, it seems to work fine and rather quickly. I think this problem actually resides in the underlying OHCI controller driver - either that or it also affects the ACM driver, which my code is based off.

You need to be running the latest development linux kernel on your PC - 2.3.39 is what I tested with. You also need to be aware that running this driver is at your own risk, as with all development kernel source. It's distributed as source, under the GPL. Because of the very beta nature of the driver, it's not going on the official downloads yet... you'll need to mail me ( and I'll attach it in a reply.

- John.

(The above may not represent the views of empeg :)