It was Brian Mihulka who wrote it, wasn't it?

Anyway, I found this too. It appears that the 1.03 release remaps the keycodes of the Kenwood remote to a new set, hence the way Emptris stops responding.

You can get round it by temporarily remapping the remote presses to a new set, by sending the new codes to /proc/empeg_ir, then return the remote to normal operation by sending the original mapping when Emptris exits. I think you may need Frank's irhack kernel installed to be able to do this.

The appropriate codes are in the attached file. They only include the buttons needed for Emptris.

However, another problem is that it appears that the remote now sends "Button Down" then "Button Up", for example:
Down = 0x00B94601
Up = 0x80B94601

Emptris, by the look of the code, only checks the last two bytes of the code, so each button press registers twice, which means that moving and rotating don't work properly.

That's about as far as I got into looking into this before getting distracted by something else!


Mark 2 #080000515
Was 12GB Blue, now 42GB Green!
