For several years, I don't recall when I bought it but it was pre-2006, I've been using a Linksys wrt54g v3.1 with dd-wrt firmware with my broadband connections,and it has been rock solid. I picked up an Asus 520GU in an attempt to tether to a phone for a friend, I wasn't able to get that working, so it has been gather dust. For giggles last night I flashed it with the latest dd-wrt build,and swapped it for the wrt54g.

I've gone from 2700/700Kbps down/up to 8800/1200Kbps, a significant leap out of a $40 investment.

The speed tests were all performed within a short period of time on dslreports against the same server in NY, I'm in MA. However the same firmware build was not, the wrt54g was using a build from ~12 months ago, not sure if this is effect things.
Hardware wise the two routers are similar, both Broadcom based with the Asus using the slightly faster CPU wise 5354 and the Linksys the 4712.

While I'm enjoying the free speed increase, we ran into issues when streaming Netflix or Hulu to two TVs or computers, I'm left wondering if I can get any more, after all the cheapest FIOS is good for speeds of up to 15Mbs. Though I think this will require more the a $40 router.