So the gmail account was actually used to send the messages?
At a prior job, I've "sent" spam that came from my address, but in no way came from my account (as shown by the smtp logs). They just attached my name to the messages.
Unfortunately, I did receive a few hundred bounces and angry replies. This happened a few times with me, as well as several other employees. In every case, the messages originated elsewhere.
Yes, Somebody using an ip from China did the deed. It showed in the gmail activity report once at about 11 am then another at 4:30pm. Each was from a different ip in Bejing.
4:30 was when the spam went out. I found the remains in my sent folder. I checked my mail at about 5:30pm and saw the one that was in my inbox and a bunch of personal and automated reply's, when I realized what happened the PW was changed right away.
edit: gmail has a 500/day limit for mass emails. There were 24 messages each with a list of 20 addresses (240). Don't know if the attacker was showing some restraint or if they bumped the limit and the others were stopped.