Originally Posted By: Phoenix42
I've a similar model to Jeff's and would recommend against it. I've found it exceedingly hard to change the wake up time - clearly a design flaw, after all this is a basic function of an alarm clock. The snooze button has never worked, in fact it appears to be hardwired to increase the volume. Initially it would go off at random times, this has mostly stopped, though occasionally it will still do so.

The snooze on my model works just fine. The problem is that it starts at 4:30am, then snoozes 'til 6am, then goes off for a third time at 7am. I haven't figured out how to set the alarm to start at a time other than 4:30am, yet. :-p

Less facetiously, if I really, really have to wake up, I use either my (non-radio) digital alarm clock (which I got from my grandparents), or my wife's cell. In general, I just prefer to wake up when the natural light from outside fills the bedroom. Not always the best solution, though, since our bedroom window faces east, and closing the drapes effectively turns off the alarm. Not to mention the changing seasons make me wake up later and later as winter goes along. I haven't yet tried one of the "dawn simulator" alarm clocks. If any of you have, do they really work?