Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: drakino
I think a big part of it is how downright nasty some people are to their wait staff.

Ugh. Tell me about it. Only a few times in my entire life have I seen a waiter so egregiously bad that he deserved to be treated like some people seem to treat every waiter.

It's like those customers think of waitstaff as subhuman. You'd think that they'd remember that those people are handling their food. Out of their sight.

Too true. Have you seen "Waiting?" It's a pretty funny gross-out humor movie. I've overheard people treating wait staff like this far too often, and it astonishes me. Usually if I have the same server, I'll leave a slightly higher percentage tip (unless they really didn't deserve it).

I don't have any theories about straws, Bitt, but I'm nearly seeing the same thing you do. However, the most recent restaurant I was at, Gordon Biersch, served me my Arnold Palmer (my new favorite drink) in a nice glass without a straw. Perhaps it's because they're so used to serving beer.

Lastly, I can't think of the last time I purchased something in ANY store where they didn't offer me a bag for my purchases. Andy, it's possible that those Seattle grocery stores are really into the green movement and are used to their customers having their own bags. It's a small trend in US grocery stores that shoppers come to the store with these inexpensive bags to take their groceries home in (all the stores in my area even sell these, frequently for a dollar each). When you get to the checkout, you just give them your bags to fill. I used to think it was a little "hippy-dippy," but I actually kind of like it. The bags themselves are easier to carry inside, then never tear like those crappy plastic bags, and they can be used for other stuff between trips to the store. Oh yeah, and that whole environment thing...

Edited by Dignan (26/07/2010 14:01)