Originally Posted By: hybrid8
When you buy a phone on Verizon, you can get another phone for "free" - so ya, that's a lot of free Android phones.

I'd forgotten about the Behold and the Backflip being free, but I have no clue what you're talking about here. I've never heard of a "buy one get one free" deal on Verizon. I honestly don't understand your sentence there.

I'd also say that I doubt either of those phones represent a huge amount of Android's market share. Like I said, the Backflip is crap (because AT&T made it so).

Originally Posted By: tman
Originally Posted By: drakino
And hopefully this situation will be fixed soon. Verizon indicated the Droid Eris is selling well, and thats still shipping with 1.6.

Google need to do something about this although I'm not sure what exactly they can do.

This has been discussed here before. The solution is less than ideal, but an upcoming version of Android (I believe 2.2 will have it) will allow for the core OS and the apps to be separated, and the apps can be updated independently. This means users will get the latest version of GMail and Calendar the same way you get Maps now, from the Market.

This way at least the users will get most of the front-facing feature upgrades.