Originally Posted By: altman
It was a little strange (you can't hide the design of the PIC totally!) but cheap and worked for us...

Reminds me of the old adage..."You can't polish a turd".

I'd imagine all the PIC compilers have funnies and quirks, every single one I have tried here has produced incorrect code after very little effort (even MPLAB, microchips own). I'd definately do as patrick says, treat it as a high level macro assembler and triple check the code output to make sure it's doing what you want it to do.

Although I've never used the PIC version, it might be worth looking at Crossworks (www.rowley.co.uk), we use the ARM version (which is a fancy gui on top of the gnu tools), but it's faultless and it works how I expect it to work as a programmer. On MSP, PIC and AVR they have their own compilers, so I don't know how good they are, but their support is top notch.