Thanks for all the help so far. At the moment, I'm being driven insane by Windows networking (nothing surprising about that). This is the error I'm getting on two of the computers I'm trying to connect to shares over the VPN:

\\serverIP\PublicStorage is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

The specified network name is no longer available.

One computer is running Vista, the other XP. I've tried both with their own workgroup name and with the same as the source network. Both exhibit the same behavior: if you just type in the server address, you can see all the printers and share folders that exist on the server, but as soon as you try to open any of those folder, it hangs for an extremely long time, then comes up with the above error.

Tony, I've tried you recommendation in your last post, but Hamachi started complaining about incorrect adapter settings and couldn't connect to the server at all anymore.

Regarding permissions, I don't think that's the issue. I'm testing this all out on a folder that gives full control to Everyone. I've been able to get other computers with similar setups to connect.

Edited by Dignan (14/10/2009 14:43)