but what if you have, for example, what I have: a TV, an AV receiver, an additional AV switch, a TiVo, a DVD player, a CD player, a laserdisc player, and a Wii***?
I'd play CDs on my DVD player, upgrade my receiver to get rid of the switch, and finally ditch my laserdisc. Totally kidding

Well, for me I would do that, but I can absolutely understand why you wouldn't.
So yes, I suppose I do have very few devices. But it doesn't take long to send "power off" or "power on" commands to all of them, even if I had the number you do. Actually, you could pretty much send all those commands instantaneously (my power off command talks to at least four things, and sends it all in less than a second). The only real delays that are necessary are for when things like the TV first turn on, when you typically can't change the input until it warms up a little. Don't you still have that delay with the Harmony?
***I thought the Wii took its power commands wirelessly, not via IR...