I have been contacted by a company with multiple fish farm sites in a number of countries (including one based out of my small town). They are having lots of trouble with fish being stolen from the cages at one of these sites.
What we want to setup is a surveillance system with multiple cameras with good day and night vision capabilities. Some of the cameras would be well over 1000' from the building that will house the recording system. Power to these cameras isn't a problem and the view would be generally line of sight. There are two locations and they are about 3 kilometers away from each other with (at least in Google Earth) decent visibility from one to the other. Two systems could be setup independently from each other if needed. Approximately six cameras would be needed in one area and four to six in the other area.
They would like to have the ability to remotely monitor the sites from anywhere in the world (via internet -- only dial-up is available right now, but they would get a satellite system). They would also like to be alerted to suspicious activity via email when motion is detected. The main trigger size would be either car, truck or a boat.
I want a hard drive based recorder that can hold at least a weeks worth of video (1 fps or even less) and a output to a simple DVD recorder to record the video if needed.
I have very little experience with this stuff and this might even be an opportunity for someone from the Spokane, Washington area to work with me on a solution.
12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
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