Two weeks as a homeowner, and I've had my first run-in with a homeowners' association.

This past week we installed brand new real-wood blinds on all our windows. The problem? I had a brain fart and forgot about the fact that the blinds are visible from the outside, so I should probably check what color is appropriate. The result? We are the only dwelling visible from the courtyard in the center of our complex that doesn't have white blinds. D'oh! So now we've been ordered to take them down by this Friday.

This is certainly my fault, I'm not disputing that. I should have checked before-hand. I'm posting this because I thought some of you might have an idea as to what we could do to fix this. See, the blinds place will only do a 50% refund because they're custom blinds, and we really like how the blinds look (from the inside).

Any suggestions?