Can you imagaine how F'd we be if she were pres, and Nancy P. was her VP????

Nancy Pelosi would not go anywhere near a HIllary Clinton presidential ticket. Nancy is a genuine progressive Democrat, and while her position as majority leader requires her to hedge just a bit so she can keep the caucus together, she speaks her mind much more than Hillary ever will. Unfortunately, speaking one's mind and having actual positions on issues doesn't seem to play well on the road to the White House.

The good news is that her "San Francisco liberal" voting record happens to line up with what a majority of Americans want these days after a belly full of do-nothing GOP leadership in Congress.. So, the best place for her in 2008 and beyond is where she is right now.

And, riffing off of Dave's comments... I'd take Hillary and Nancy, Beavis and Butthead, or Tango and Cash over Commander Codpiece and Darth Cheney. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING could be worse than the nitwits that currently constitute the executive branch.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff