In 1985, John Howard set the world's bicycle land speed record of 152.2 MPH (245 km/h) and he didn't use any rocket engines, either -- he pedaled the damn thing! A far more impressive achievement than strapping a rocket onto a bicycle and holding on for dear life!
Impressive! Thanks for that.
Downhill near my home I managed about 38.7 MPH which is my fastest ever. Set off the speed camera
That is the fastest I've been and not far from my terminal velocity at a guess, the aerodynamics were hard to push against at that speed. I'd expect to go faster than about 45-50 MPH you really need to be behind a train or something - I like the guys rig with the 500hp car + fairing in front.
Anyhow, I'd like to see that guys gearing!
Edited by sein (03/08/2006 04:39)