My original plan was to replace the master drive (IBM Travelstar 12.7G), the players original drive w/a new drive (Hitachi Travelstar 40G). I think it's on it's way out, but not sure. This same player (Empeg) had a slave drive (IBM Travelstar 30G) that I had added a year or two later w/no problems. I also have a Rio player that has only one drive (Fujitsu 10G). But now if I could just get any of them (new 40G or old 12.7G) dirves to work w/any other drives I have (the Empeg slave 30G, Rio master 10G). The drives are all IBM Travelstars except for the Rio stock Fujitsu, one Travelstar, the new one, is Hitachi.
So there is four drives in play here, one is still working as a master, in the Rio, the others work but won't boot in players. One should work as a slave for I haven't messed w/it it has music loaded but replacing any of the music while not fun certainly possible if it means getting things to work.
Have I explained it enough to help?