Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans (you may remember him from some TV show that was on all the time a few weeks back) recently asking

How do I ensure that New Orleans is not overrun by Mexican workers?

He's gotten in some hot water about that, with organizations responding by saying things like

At a time when this great country has united to lend a helping hand to those affected by the ravages of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the USHCC, finds the recent public statement by New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin to be offensive, divisive and highly inappropriate. ... To be confronted with comments of this nature that highlight prejudice and division, coming from a public official that represents an important minority group, is a huge disappointment.

To this end, I have a survey:
What does "Mexican" mean?
Only one choice allowed

Votes accepted starting: 02/11/2005 13:26
View the results of this poll.
Bitt Faulk