Ok, so I do have _one_ effective non-lethal trick, which I used to catch as many as 15 mice. Use a mostly empty 40 lb. bag of dog food, completely open on top. Set it up next to something you _know_ the mice can climb. Set up the bag so that the walls of the bag are straight as you can make them. I used Eukanuba, and other brands may work, but you need a bag with a very slippery plasticky interior lining. The mice can't climb it, and if you leave enough food in it (it must be to a level above the creases on the bottom seal) they cannot find a place where they can get their teeth into it (from the inside that is). They jump down into the bag and cannot get back out. Each morning, check the bag for mice, roll up the top - take the mice wherever you want and let them go. I caught 7 mice in two days.

Be sure to remember to check the bag regularly, otherwise you'll find dead mice (dehydration). I assume mouse carcasses would prevent other mice from entering the bag.
