Hmmm - but is there a community of cunts?

Yep. They call it suburbia. bah-dum CHING!

Bizarrely, the women I know are split almost 50:50 on that c word. Some hate it more than anything, where others like it far too much

I find the women who are most offended by it tend to be the ones where the shoe fits. Types like the clandestine hooker (says they don't care about money, but refuses to be self supporting or contribute financially to the relationship in any way. Watch her run if you lose your job!), the kind that get accidentally pregnant on purpose for their own percieved gain, the flat out gold digger, the ones from the cunt school of feminism (I am your equal. Which means you go out and make all the money, pay all the bills, then come home and do at least half of the housework, after I spent all day shopping or sitting on my ass. I am also above criticism, no matter how many remarks I make about men being universally useless, because that would be misogynistic), the kind that get really upset about finding out a man, any man, regardless of her relationship to them, thinks there's some woman out there more attractive than her, or the bitch who stands in front of a jewelry store window talking about how she needs to find a man to buy her that stuff (no, what you need a job or a better job), or the ones who constantly bitch about how they hate rich people, yet read Vogue religiously. Basically, women who know their only worth is as a set of orifices. I can't think of any self sufficient, competent woman I know who is offended by it for more than half a second, if at all. There are way more offensive things you can call women.

By the way, I'd volunteer to fill the troll position if the profanity filter gets turned off. I have no real knowledge of electronics, but a love of insulting people.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony