First there are 2 compilers, one in armtools-empeg/bin/arm-empeg-linux-gcc and one in armtools-empeg/arm-empeg-linux/bin/gcc. Which one do i use?

Use bin/arm-empeg-linux-gcc

I have also a problem with the shared partition between XP and SuSE. I have installed SuSE in VMware on it's own harddisk with a swap, reiser and FAT32 partition. I can access the FAT32 partition from Windows and if i copy files on it and then boot Linux i have access to all files. But the wierd thing is if i now create folders or files i can't see them from Windows. Same thing if i create the folder or file from Windows, i can't see it in the guest OS until i reboot it. umount/mount sometimes work. If i reboot Windows everything i've created within Linux is there. I have successfuly installed the VMware tools and also set up the partition as a shared folder in VMware. Any idea how i can solve this behavior?

? Is this a feature of VMware? If not then you shouldn't do that. The reason why you have to unmount or restart is that the OS is caching the partition and it doesn't know that stuff is changing behind it's back. FAT32 isn't designed to be modified by two different hosts at the same time. You're inviting huge corruption and breakage by sharing it between the copy of Linux inside VMware and the host Windows. If you really want to have a shared drive then export it via Samba from one to the other.