There have been reports of problems with emplode when trying to move too many playlists to the player at once. (Remember that a windows folder counts as a playlist when putting fresh stuff on the player.) Try doing your uploads to the player in small batches. See if that works, then report back.

Thank you - I have done som research. Now working

I now move one folder at a time. I didn't move that many folders earlier, but this seems to work better. I also make sure there are no filetypes other than mp3 in the folders I move. Emplode tells me if there are files not compatible, but it seems that also was a problem - no errors so far.

Beeing a novice on this subject (still after being an empeg owner since fall 2000), it was fearly easy to change disks. Now I can fill it up will ALL my music!

'enni mizpellings ar dju tu kompjutr error'


Norway, Hijack'ed 120GB upgrade, MKII, tuner, green, red, blue, yellow, illuminated. Looking good!