Ah, so someone else finds Bilal interesting!

I saw an add somewhere, read around the web about it and the author, and ended up downloading a rather awful dvix of it. Visually fascinating - Bilal's background as graphics artist is obvious. Atmosphere reminds of 'Blade Runner' (but seems to be Bilal's original - his three albums this was based upon are older, I think). I finally also downloaded his two earlier works, 'Tycho Moon' and 'Bunker Palace Hotel', although they were in French without subtitles. Even without understanding the dialogue they are worth watching.

Edit: When (if) I find English-subtitled DVDs of these, this will be another example of 'downloads promote CD/DVD sales'.

Edited by bonzi (04/06/2005 06:46)
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue