What a bittersweet thread, how saddening and how sad......and yet how encouraging that people feel so strongly about this, the best of all possible BBS's: So diverse and shared by so many interesting people.

Throughout my personal and business career you have those letters, conversations and latterly emails where you wish you could pull the words back and swallow them - I'm sure that people in this thread must feel that way about things that they've posted.

Amersfoort is at the very top of things I look forward to each year and for my part, I shall be looking forward to picking up conversations and renewing friendships with people whom I know are friendly, accommodating and interesting: That's a definition of an Empegger - and there are many that I still hope to meet, either at the meet, or as as I make my way around the universe.

I recall meeting Jim Hogan a couple of years back, the first thing that he said to me was: "I know who you are, you talk just the way you post" and that for me sums it up, so many people that I know that I'll get along fine with because I know them from this, as I say, best of all possible BBS's.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag