Oh man that's hard. The #1 one came to my head quick.

3. Kelly (swmbo) screaming "99 bottles of beer on the wall" at the top of her lungs for 30 minutes straight, while slightly inebriated, and starting over at 99 every time she forgot where she was (many times), as revenge for my friend and I trying to annoy her by singing 99 bottles of beer.

2. Robin Williams on "Inside the Actors Studio." I could just put Robin Williams period.

1. Kelly losing a bet that she could eat a handful of flour. The backstory on that is good, I should elaborate later, but at any rate, I was doubled over on the floor crying with laughter for over 5 minutes.

That's off the top of my head. I know I'll think of way more later... which is why I hate top 3 type lists. =]
|| loren ||