Let's see.

On first blush, here's how I'd do it...

1. Make sure the program is run with full Domain Administrator privileges or this won't work.

2. Make sure the computers in question are all participating in the domain. (i.e., an admin can connect to their default shares.)

3. Make sure all the computers in question are running Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 2003.

4. Make sure all the computers in question are turned on.

Then the program code would do the following:

1. Obtain the list of servers in the domain. Hm. I don't actually know how to do that off the top of my head. But perhaps you don't need to do that, maybe you have a list that's already created by hand. Or you can make that list yourself by redirecting the output of the NET command or something.

2. For each computername, map a drive (let's say "Z:") to \\computername\C$.

3. Get the free space on Z:.

4. Next computer.

I'm pretty sure all of that can be done pretty easily in VB.
Tony Fabris