Are you _sure_ it's responding to pings? The network isn'f configured until the player is loaded, which isn't happening here.

you are right, this times it's not responding to pings but it was responding last time i've tested it. the eth led is up by the way. in fact the last time i've tested it the pulsing led on the main display was working and isn't working this time...


IDE problem. Probably the cable. Possibly the IDE header. SInce you've mentioned a ripped cable, I'd chase this down first. Get a new one from Eutronix (link up top).

sorry, i meant DISPLAY cable, not IDE, and unsoldered IDE connector as in FAQs. by the way i've tested another IDE cable, another DISPLAY cable and another main display at all and i've got the same.


If there's nothing at all on the display then you've probably misaligned the display cable when swapping them about and blown a fuse.

i really hope it so


I should be able to fix both these issues, but let's narrow them down first. Start with the cable.

let me know what do you think, i can post it to you if you can think you can fix it*. thank you very much.

p.s. *and if it's possible, to add more RAM if you can do that.


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