After careful review of the preceeding posts here, I seem to be the lowest.

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 00:10:10 +0100 (BST)
From: Hugo Fiennes
Subject: Re: EMPEG registration
Your registration number is: 0035

I was under the impression that they would cost $850 and I was really considering it at that price. I don't want to drop $1,100+ for it. Maybe if it had an AM/FM radio I'd still want it, but I'd rather get a Rio and plug that into my crossover than go without a radio. No matter how big the hard drive is in this thing, you're going to get tired of your tunes, but you won't have any other immediate options.

And another thing, I haven't recieved notice for being able to finally place an order for the unit. Heck, I haven't even recieved Newsletter #8 (much like 2 other newsletters). If the Newsletter system and notification orginazation is so poor, what can we, the consumers expect for Technical Support, Software Updates and Future Development regarding the empeg?

Don't get me wrong, I really like the idea of an in-dash MP3 Player like the empeg. You should be able to tell by my low registration number that I have been following the thing for a -really- long time (way before it even had it's own domain name), but at over a grand and minus a radio, I don't see enough of an advantage for it. If I am wrong, or if you see differently, then please share. I'm still considering purchasing the unit, but am leaning twords a no thanks right now.
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