Would you be able to post the list of features which V1.1 will have?

Well, I think they've already said a bunch of the features on the BBS already. They probably don't want to leak any more information (it would spoil the surprise). But here's an idea. Let's use this thread for everyone to gather up and list all of the 1.1 features they remember seeing reported on the BBS already. (Alpha team members please note: I can think of at least one feature that we were told was planned for 1.1 that has not yet been mentioned on the BBS. Don't list things here unless you know for sure they were already reported on the BBS.)

Okay, I'll start:

- Shuffle functions moved to another thread so it doesn't pause when shuffling large playlists.
- New audio decoding engine, allowing proper FF/REW in VBR files.
- WMA file support.
- Bookmarking.
- Search by playlist.
- Additional "Insert" mode in searching (instead of just replace and append).
- New Emplode with searching support.
- Wendy Filter (the exact details of this feature are not yet known, but we have a basic idea).
- Weighted shuffle, allowing Mk2 owners to hear mostly songs they haven't heard in a while. Mk1 owners don't have a clock, but it'll keep track of the number of times a song has been played, so they can at least hear the songs that have been played a fewer number of times than the others (similar, but different).
- If you are shuffling the whole player, un-shuffling will drop you back into that song's album (provided you've set your playlists up correctly to allow this, with your artist/album trees first in the list).
- Solution for world peace, the end to disease and hunger, and the secret to immortality. (Oh, darn, that was the feature they didn't want us to leak. My bad.)

Anyone else remember anything besides these?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris