So what was this talk of being able to use mp3 aps like Winamp that I swear I saw in early marketing?

Well the server software can import MusicMatch playlists, perhaps that what you saw ?

What functionality would I get by using a notebook to interface with this thing (say from across the room)?

Nothing out of the box, however Frank has create a version of DisplayServer for the Receiver which you can use to control the Receiver remotely.

So no other RioReciever fans here?

I'm a fan, though it is not a perfect product by any means, the main issues being:

- the screen is nearly impossible to read more than a couple of inches away
- the server software is a little limited (addressable by using jrec)
- the software on the Receiver itself could do with gaining some advanced features from the car player (like the dynamic playlist append/insert/replace menu for a start)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday