Does anybody actually have a valid PowerOnSeconds value in /empeg/empeg_state on a Mk2+? Mine has always been invalid. There seems to be a bug in the kernel code which basically makes it not calculate it correctly. It's not particularly important as it's not used anywhere but it's been bugging me

It's supposed to work out the number of power on seconds by getting the current time, subtracting the bootup time and then adding the previously saved value of poweronseconds. The problem is that on a Mk2+ (Well. Anything greater than revision 5) it won't ever set the bootup time value (unixtime). This means that each time there is a powerfail it will add the number of seconds since the epoch. So you'll get 30ish years added on each time...

The problem is that even fixing this bug won't recover the correct poweronseconds value as it's been long lost. I've attached a patch anyway.

196304-poweronseconds.patch (786 downloads)