I whipped this code up for the combo box in just a couple minutes...am I being naive or would this work?
There is some stuff in there that's access-specific and doesn't apply to VB. But, yeah, that's a part of it.

It's the basic bit of determining the list of directories (I already knew how to do that), and that much drops in pretty straightforward (with a few changes). There was an additional couple hours of fiddling and futzing to get it to integrate with my existing code, save its state, preselect the correct list item when it's first opened, properly handle situations where the curren skin is invalid, and to all-around work right in all cases. For instance, when the code is called a second time (the configuration screen can be opened more than once per program run), I have to clear the lists and start over from scratch.

Thanks, though, for giving me a reason to open the code and mess with it YET AGAIN...
Tony Fabris