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Posted by robricc
I have Xbox and my friend has PS2. I think the Xbox's graphics wreck the PS2's.

I've both an Xbox and a PS2, and I'd agree with robricc on this. If there's an Xbox version of a game, I always pick that one up over the PS2 version. Just look at the two versions of Splinter Cell, and you'll see what I mean.

I've modded my Xbox, and I've got to say, I use it more now to stream DVDs and music from my media server at home than I do to play games. I also have many, many Mame ROMs that I play on it quite regularly. The downside is that the PS2 still has *some* games you can't get on the Xbox - like Grand Turismo. That game was the reason I bought a PS2 in the first place.

Anyway, al the rambling aside, I'd get an Xbox if I had to choose just one.