Most everyone knows my story.... I was 27 and at the top of my game. I made really good money, loved my wife, and my little boy. In a blink of an eye it was all gone... The job, wife, and now I see my boy for a couple of hours on Saturday. One career became two jobs that pay less than half what I made before...
Six months later... I'm getting the nod for a promotion into an IT manager position, which means getting rid of the second job and seeing my son a lot more. My wife and I are still estranged but I'm working on that too and oddly I think if she doesn't come back that I'll be ok. That's something I hadn't admitted out loud yet...
My point is time will bring change, change that you would never choose, but in the end you can look Murphy's law in the face and tell him to take a hike.
-Michael West