Ok, I really haven't dealt with XP at all yet, so yesterday, I ran into a bit of a problem that I couldn't solve. I was installing a new computer for a friend (XP) and setting up a small home network. He has an existing Win2K box that has a USB printer on it. It seems on XP you cannot use the administrator username, so I made one called user and gave it admin privs. Then I go to the 2K box and create the same user. set IT as admin.

OK, so heres the problem. I can see the printer from the XP box over the network, but after I add it (it's successful) I cannot print to it at all. I hit print, and it gets to 4 bytes and sits there making me look rather foolish. Am I missing something? Does file/printer sharing work differently in XP than it has in everything else? Or am I just a dolt that missed something stupid?