1) Yes, it is worth registering. I don't know what the waiting list is now, but I am #8,741 and that means that empeg won't even
notify me that I have permission to buy until they have talked to 8,740 people ahead of me. I don't anticipate getting my empeg
up and running in this millenium.

2) I do not envision any price drop in the forseeable future. As long as they have (I am guessing) 10's of thousands of people on a
waiting list, why sell for less than the market will bear? The only component in the empeg that is likely to see substantial cost
reduction (to empeg) is the hard drive, and that is only a very small portion of the total cost of the unit.

3) The amplifier will cost whatever you're willing to pay. I enter car audio competitions (currently ranked #1 in Alaska in my power
class ;-) and I compete against people who have as much as $40,000+ in their stereos. You can get a good quality (perhaps not
competition grade, but your ears could never tell the difference) amplifier in the 100--250 watt range for $250--$400. 150 watts can
produce enough undistorted volume to permanently damage your hearing if you are so inclined.

4) There is no AM because the empeg is not a radio or audio player; it is a COMPUTER, and there just is no way to shield a
computer operating in the MHz range enough to co-exist with an AM radio signal. All you'd hear is buzz and static. Just tune
your clock radio to an AM station, then hold it right next to your computer and see what happens!

Hope this answers some of your questions... and who knows, since I am in no way affiliated with empeg, maybe my answers are
all wrong. But I don't think so.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"