Sorry I am a little late on this thread, but I saw it tonight and had to vent.

The Hulk is quite possibly the biggest turd of a movie I have ever seen. I was appalled that they fed this to us. The characters were insipid, the dialogue beyond banal, the pacing pure drudgery, and the editing pathetic. I walked out. I have only once before in my life walked out of a movie. I frigging walked out. It must have been like 80% done, but I just could not take anymore. I did not care what happened to these characters anymore and it was getting more stupid by the second. I can not imagine a worse piece of crap than this thing. Worse than Starship Troopers, worse than Soldier, worse than frigging Waterworld for god's sake. I feel personally insulted by this movie, I am massively angry that I wasted 2 hours of my life on it, and I will never EVER watch anything that Ang Lee ever puts out again. Ever.


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