Well, for me there is no OTHER stationery tape than 3M Scotch Tape. Ask for it by name. Next time you get a brand new roll, take a DEEP whiff of the sticky-side of the tape. Nothing smells better than a new roll of Scotch Tape. Its like new-car, or new-eletronics, or SOMETHING like that. I don't know if it has any pharmacological effects, but it smells GREAT.

Ever get the thrifty urge to buy the bargain pack of no-name tape when you're picking up the wrapping paper for, say, Christmas? I have a theory about the heightened incidence of abuse, alcoholism, depression, suicide, etc. during the Holidays: at least 1% of THAT statistic is someone who went INSANE trying to use the stuff.

As for specifying a "cola", so many of the restaurant help aren't even familiar with that term as classifying that whole beverage family that you have to specify it twice.

Next worst, is people referring to "fascia" (fay-sha or fash-ya) as facial (fay-shal). I just grin evilly, but inwardly.

And most people will look at you like you're from the moon if you ask for a "facial tissue" instead of a "Kleenex".

Javex...same thing.

Tums...same thing. "Antacid? What the heck is that, boy? In this country, you speak American, boy!"

Saran Wrap, you get the idea. Cellophane wrap? "Huh, whud 'ee say, Cletis?"

- - -

So, my IDE cable is still on, thanks to Duct Tape (TM) -- but its only been a day.

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
MK2 #141, green, 12GB
- - - MK2 #141 12GB Queue #5723 (SOLD) MK2a 30GB + grn + tuner + blk empeg case