
I just put up a Linux gateway at home. With eth0 pointing to the internet and eth1 pointing to my LAN. I have succeded in getting ipforwarding but the problem is that every request gets forwarded to eth0. So if I want to start a VNC session with the server from my LAN it gets forwarded (atleast i think so) to eth0 and therefore misses the VNC server. Also any FTP sessions I start goes through to my ISP:s proxy and then back. Even though I point the connection to the eth1 adress.
I guess this is pretty simple to fix wwith some routing command but I have no idea on how to do it.
maybe something like 'route add -net' or something like that.
Any ideas?

Also I want to be able to start apps from my LAN on the gateway on a running X session. The reason for this is that the server is connected to my TV and i want to be able to start Xine and watch movies with the server.
The problem is that, now I am using VNC wich starts a new Xvnc session. And therefor starts any apps executed from the LAN on the Xvnc server wich is not displayed on the TV.
Is there a way to start apps on X display:0 locally on the server. But the commands come from another comp on the LAN. I guess I could telnet/SSH in... but then i wouldnt be able to control Xine very well if I even could get it started with the correct movie.
Is there a VNC-like solution but thats using the Xfree server instead?