gives me an idea. One of the things that TiVo could select on but doesn't is the "star rating" on the movies -- you know, one star, two stars, three stars, four stars. I don't know who decides what these ratings should be for a movie, but pretty consistently a three star movie is better than a one star movie, no matter what the genre.

ReplayTV will let you record by star rating, but all their 4 star movies seem to be "classics". Personally I have no interest in watching Gone With The Wind again. If you step down to 2 or 3 stars then you just get a ton of everything. The feature I would most like to see in the replay (and one that might get me to but a Tivo if they did it first) is a date range combined with the other selectors. So you could do something like record all Action-Comedies made since 1990. I can't be the only person in the world that just doesn't watch old movies and gets sick of my PVR spending half it's time recording stuff I would never watch.

Hmm, that turned into a bit of a rant

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration